BSK Associates is certified for PFAS analyses by EPA Method 537.1

BSK Associates is certified for PFAS analyses by EPA Method 537.1

BSK Associates is certified for PFAS analyses by EPA Method 537.1

The Water Board issued investigative orders to require monitoring of 25 to 38 Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) chemicals in likely source areas (e.g., fire-fighting foams at airports, bulk fuel terminals, and refineries, and the use of PFAS products in industrial processes, such as chrome plating) and those facilities receiving PFAS-containing waste materials (e.g., disposal of consumer products at landfills and industrial wastewaters at publicly-owned treatment works). Monitoring orders were also sent to public water systems to sample source wells located adjacent to the airports and landfills, and public water systems with prior Federal EPA Unregulated Contaminant Rule Program 3 (UCMR3) PFAS detections. Those monitoring orders were expanded to include public water supply wells located around the initial set of wells that reported PFAS detections in 2020 and wells located near Department of Defense installations in 2021. The set of PFAS occurrence data resulting from these Orders now exceeds 8,400 drinking water and 5,700 non-drinking.

BSK Associates is certified by the CA ELAP to perform EPA Method 537.1 for the full list of 18 required compounds and for EPA 533 for the full list of 25 compounds.  BSK has performed PFAS analyses for over 6 years.  During that time, the laboratory completed thousands of EPA Method 537 analyses while participating in the EPA’s UCMR3 monitoring program.  BSK is well versed in reporting and regulatory quality requirements needed for these analytes.  We are also available to take samples.

For more information please contact: 

Cole Mackelprang 559-497-2888 ext. 160 or 

Additional EPA 537.1 Information Can Also Be Found at:

CA Water Board PFAS FAQs

Sampling Guidelines

US EPA PFAS Information